PlanetMag Matlab run scripts


PlanetMag(moonName, era, coordType, CALC_NEW, ALL_MODELS, DO_FFT, DO_MPAUSE, LIVE_PLOTS, nptsApprox, specificModel, specificMPmodel, outData, figDir, coeffPath, fPatternFT, fPatternTseries, figXtn, magPhase_deg)

Evaluates planetary magnetic field for a time series at the specified moon location and inverts for the complex amplitudes of oscillation in that moon’s frame.

This function is intended to be run as a script, so all parameters are optional.

  • moonName (char, 1xC, default='Europa') – Name of target moon for which to generate magnetic spectrum amplitudes.

  • era (char, 1xD, default='Galileo') –

    Time period over which measurements will be evaluated, corresponding to the prime mission lifetime. Options:

    • 'Swarm'

    • 'Galileo'

    • 'Cassini'

    • 'Juno'

    • 'Clipper'

    • 'Voyager'

  • coordType (char, 1xE, default='IAU') –

    Desired standard coordinates for magnetic spectrum inversion. Options:

    • 'IAU'

    • 'SPRH'

  • CALC_NEW (bool, default=1) – Whether to perform calculations or attempt to reload saved data for plotting purposes.

  • ALL_MODELS (bool, default=0) – Whether to run all implemented model options for the desired body.

  • DO_FFT (bool, default=0) – Whether to calculate and print an FFT from the time series after performing the inversion.

  • DO_MPAUSE (bool, default=0) – Whether to include a magnetopause screening current model.

  • LIVE_PLOTS (bool, default=0) – Whether to load interactive figure windows for plots (true) or print them to disk (false).

  • nptsApprox (int, default=12*365.25*3*24) – Desired number of points to use in time series for inversion. A whole number of the period of interest (typically synodic period, as it is the strongest oscillation) will ultimately be selected, which is why this number is approximate.

  • specificModel (int, default=0) – Index number for the magnetospheric model to run. Options depend on the body, and setting to 0 selects the default model. See GetModelOpts() for a description of the options.

  • specificMPmodel (int, default=0) – Index number for the magnetopause model to run if DO_MPAUSE is true. 0 selects the default model See MpauseFld() for a description of the options.

  • outData (char, 1xF, default='out') – Directory to use for output of complex spectrum amplitudes.

  • figDir (char, 1xG, default='figures') – Directory to use for output figures.

  • coeffPath (char, 1xH, default='modelCoeffs') – Directory containing model coefficients files.

  • fPatternFT (char, 1xI, default='FTdata') – Pattern for file names of FFT spectrum data saved to disk.

  • fPatternTseries (char, 1xJ, default='TseriesData') – Pattern for file names of time series data saved to disk.

  • figXtn (char, 1xK, default='pdf') – Extension to use for figures, which determines the file type.

  • magPhase_deg (double, default=0) – Arbitrary offset in degrees by which to rotate the magnetospheric field evaluation.


  • T_h (double, 1xP) – Oscillation periods of significant peaks in the excitation spectrum in hours.

  • B0vec (double, 1x3) – Time-independent background magnetic field vector from evaluated time series in nT in the selected coordinates.

  • B1vec1, B1vec2, B1vec3 (complex double, 1xP) – Degree-1 complex excitation moments inverted from the evaluated time series in nT at the body center. Components 1, 2, and 3 are aligned with, respectively, x, y, z or r, theta, phi depending on the selected coordinates.

  • outFname (char, 1xH) – Output file name to which the excitations moments were written.

  • header (char, 1xI) – Column header printed to output file, which contains information about what data were saved.


comparison.CompareEarModels(LIVE_PLOTS, scName, xtn, SEQUENTIAL, coeffPath, figDir, figXtn)

Compare magnetic field measurements from spacecraft near Earth against each implemented magnetic field model.


  • LIVE_PLOTS (bool, default=0) – Whether to load interactive figure windows for plots (true) or print them to disk (false).

  • scName (string, default="Swarm") – Spacecraft name for which magnetic field data will be compared against implemented models. A directory must exist with this name in the MAG directory within the top-level PlanetMag directory. This directory will be searched for data files with the xtn extension, and each of these files will be loaded.

  • xtn (char, 1xC, default='.tab') – File extension for data files found in fullfile('MAG', sc), beginning with '.'.

  • SEQUENTIAL (bool) – Whether to plot points by index or hours relative to a reference time.

  • coeffPath (char, 1xD, default='modelCoeffs') – Directory containing model coefficients files.

  • figDir (char, 1xE, default='figures') – Directory to use for output figures.

  • figXtn (char, 1xF, default='pdf') – Extension to use for figures, which determines the file type.


comparison.CompareJupModels(LIVE_PLOTS, scName, opts, MPopts, moonName, orbNum, moonProx_RP, PlanetMinDist_RP, PlanetMaxDist_RP, dataDir, figDir, figXtn, SEQUENTIAL, coeffPath, FULLORBITS, FLYBYS, JUNOTOO)

Compare magnetic field measurements from spacecraft near Jupiter against each implemented magnetic field model.



This script requires having run PlanetMag.m for the Galileo era for all implemented planetary and magnetopause models using ALL_MODELS=1.

  • LIVE_PLOTS (bool, default=0) – Whether to load interactive figure windows for plots (true) or print them to disk (false).

  • scName (string, default="Galileo") – Spacecraft name for which magnetic field data will be compared against implemented models. A directory must exist with this name in the MAG directory within the top-level PlanetMag directory. This directory will be searched for body-specific data files, and each of these files will be loaded.

  • opts (int, 1xnOpts, default=1:nOpts) – List of model option ID numbers to include in comparison, as defined in GetModelOpts().

  • MPopts (int, 1xnMPopts, default=1:nMPopts) – List of magnetopause model option ID numbers to include in comparison, as defined in GetModelOpts().

  • moonName (char, 1xC, default='Ganymede') – Name of moon for which scName has flyby data. Flyby data is not used if FULLORBITS is true, but a name must be passed for kernel loading.

  • orbNum (int, default=-1) –

    Orbit number to use for data comparison. Accepts the following special options:

    • -1: Use all orbits for which data is available.

    • -2: Use all orbits for which flyby data is available for moonName.

  • moonProx_RP (double, default=0.1) – Minimum distance to major moons of the system within which measurements will be ignored in model validation due to local perturbations, in units of the parent planet’s radius.

  • PlanetMinDist_RP (double, default=10) – Minimum distance to parent planet within which measurements will be ignored, in units of the parent planet’s radius.

  • PlanetMaxDist_RP (double, default=20) – Maximum distance away from parent planet beyond which measurements will be ignored, in units of the parent planet’s radius.

  • dataDir (char, 1xD, default='out') – Name of directory where excitation moments are printed to disk.

  • figDir (char, 1xE, default='figures') – Directory to use for output figures.

  • figXtn (char, 1xF, default='pdf') – Extension to use for figures, which determines the file type.

  • SEQUENTIAL (bool, default=1) – Whether to plot points by index or hours relative to a reference time (J2000).

  • coeffPath (char, 1xG, default='modelCoeffs') – Directory containing model coefficients files.

  • FULLORBITS (bool, default=1) – Whether to evaluate goodness of fit from full-orbit data in System III coordinates beyond some threshold distance rMinMoon_RP. Independent of FLYBYS.

  • FLYBYS (bool, default=0) – Whether to evaluate goodness of fit from flyby data in moon coordinates. Measurements are only used if they are beyond rMinMoon_RP away from the target moon. Independent of FULLORBITS.

  • JUNOTOO (bool, default=1) – Whether to include Juno flyby data if FLYBYS is also true. Currently, only Ganymede flyby data is implemented.


comparison.CompareSatModels(LIVE_PLOTS, LOAD_PDS_ASCII, yearRange, RELATIVE_t, RELATIVE_r, scName, SEQUENTIAL, coeffPath, figDir, figXtn, magDataMat)

Compare magnetic field measurements from spacecraft near Saturn against each implemented magnetic field model.


  • LIVE_PLOTS (bool, default=0) – Whether to load interactive figure windows for plots (true) or print them to disk (false).

  • LOAD_PDS_ASCII (bool, default=0) – Whether to load in .TAB files downloaded from PDS (true) or use pre-converted and compressed .mat summary of just the important bits (false).

  • yearRange (int, 1xG, default=4:17) – Years over which to compare Cassini data. Default includes all measurements.

  • scName (string, 1xS, default=["Cassini"]) – Spacecraft name for which magnetic field data will be compared against implemented models. A directory must exist with each name in the MAG directory within the top-level PlanetMag directory. These directories will be searched for data files with the .tab extension, and each of these files will be loaded.

  • SEQUENTIAL (bool, default=0) – Whether to plot points by index or hours relative to a reference time (typically closest approach).

  • coeffPath (char, 1xC, default='modelCoeffs') – Directory containing model coefficients files.

  • figDir (char, 1xD, default='figures') – Directory to use for output figures.

  • figXtn (char, 1xE, default='pdf') – Extension to use for figures, which determines the file type.

  • magDataMat (char, 1xF, default='MAG/scName/ALL_FGM_KRTP_1M') – File path to use for save/reload of PDS data in .mat file.

  • RELATIVE_t (bool, default=0) – Whether to plot points relative to the start of the input time series. Only has an effect when SEQUENTIAL = 0.

  • RELATIVE_r (bool, default=0) – Whether to plot points relative to distance from the parent planet. Overrides SEQUENTIAL and RELATIVE_t.


comparison.CompareUraModels(LIVE_PLOTS, scName, SEQUENTIAL, coeffPath, figDir, figXtn)

Compare magnetic field measurements from spacecraft near Uranus against each implemented magnetic field model.


  • LIVE_PLOTS (bool, default=0) – Whether to load interactive figure windows for plots (true) or print them to disk (false).

  • scName (string, default="Voyager 2") – Spacecraft name for which magnetic field data will be compared against implemented models. A directory must exist with this name in the MAG directory within the top-level PlanetMag directory. This directory will be searched for body-specific data files, and each of these files will be loaded.

  • SEQUENTIAL (bool, default=0) – Whether to plot points by index or hours relative to a reference time (typically closest approach).

  • coeffPath (char, 1xC, default='modelCoeffs') – Directory containing model coefficients files.

  • figDir (char, 1xD, default='figures') – Directory to use for output figures.

  • figXtn (char, 1xE, default='pdf') – Extension to use for figures, which determines the file type.


comparison.CompareNepModels(LIVE_PLOTS, scName, SEQUENTIAL, coeffPath, figDir, figXtn)

Compare magnetic field measurements from spacecraft near Neptune against each implemented magnetic field model.


  • LIVE_PLOTS (bool, default=0) – Whether to load interactive figure windows for plots (true) or print them to disk (false).

  • scName (string, default="Voyager 2") – Spacecraft name for which magnetic field data will be compared against implemented models. A directory must exist with this name in the MAG directory within the top-level PlanetMag directory. This directory will be searched for body-specific data files, and each of these files will be loaded.

  • SEQUENTIAL (bool, default=0) – Whether to plot points by index or hours relative to a reference time (typically closest approach).

  • coeffPath (char, 1xC, default='modelCoeffs') – Directory containing model coefficients files.

  • figDir (char, 1xD, default='figures') – Directory to use for output figures.

  • figXtn (char, 1xE, default='pdf') – Extension to use for figures, which determines the file type.

Spherical harmonics validation

comparison.OutputHEALpixTo_n10(hpDir, hpFname, outDir, outFbase)

Evaluates intermediate functions for each n,m on a HEALpix map and prints to disk.

Prints an evaluation of Legendre polynomials and their derivatives on a HEALpix map, for validation purposes. The HEALpix map must be supplied in a text file at the specified location. All harmonics are mapped, from n=1 to n=10.

  • hpDir (char, 1xC, default=fullfile('~', 'MoonMag', 'outData')) – Directory containing a file with pixel locations on a HEALpix grid where function outputs are to be compared.

  • hpFname (char, 1xD, default='healpix_locs.txt') – File name where HEALpix locations are stored.

  • outDir (char, 1xE, default='out') – Directory where a file with function outputs will be written.

  • outFbase (char, 1xF, default='pureHarmMap_') – File name pattern for function outputs.

  • ghVal (double, default=1.0) – Common value for g and h in gauss used in MoonMag and PlanetMag intermediate function evaluation.

Basic testing

test.PMtest(LIVE_PLOTS, nptsApprox)

Test script to run each focus feature of PlanetMag to check for errors.

  • LIVE_PLOTS (bool, default=0) – Whether to load interactive figure windows for plots (true) or print them to disk (false).

  • nptsApprox (int, default=30000) – Default number of points to use in PlanetMag(). This default is much less than that in PlanetMag() because this function is primarily intended only for smoke testing.


Setting LIVE_PLOTS to true will use a lot of system memory, causing a freeze if insufficient memory is available.